Mesopotamia means 'between two rivers' in Greek. The two rivers are referring to Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Mesopotamia is marshy flat wide areas. Cities along the rivers. Settlers had to irrigate their land along the rivers. Settlers had to irrigate their land along the river to their crops. Mesopotamia has a warm climate with enough rain to grow their crops. The land is quite fertile due to seasonal rains. Early settlers used the land and timber, stone, and metals found on the mountain.
Government and laws
They believed in their own gods. Their religion was polytheistic. Mesopotamia was ruled by kings. The kings only ruled one city. Not a whole empire. For an example King Hammurabi was the king of Babylon.
List of kings:
Ur-Nammu- King of Ur
Sargon of Akkad- Established Akkadian
Hammurabi- King of Babylon
Ashur-uballit II- Established Assyrian Empire
Tiglath-Pileser I- Established Assyrian Empire
The Mesopotamian's had many rights toward women such as having equal rights,filing for divorce, and could own their own land. Women and Men both worked jobs. They had three different classes: nobility, slaves, and free citizens. Priests and kings were nobility. Modern people were the free citizens. Slaves were the slaves. They worked but were allowed to get married if they wished to.
Free citizens:

click here for the map
Bibliography: crash course
world history textbook
Picture links: image 1 image 2 image 3 image 4

Free citizens:

The Mesopotamian had some achievements they built cities along the rivers. They had advanced technology's like the wheel, plow, and their writing system. Farmers in the summer would create levees o hold back floods to protect their fields and cut canals to channel river to the fields.
click here for the map
Bibliography: crash course
world history textbook
Picture links: image 1 image 2 image 3 image 4
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