New York
New York was a very fun and adventurous trip. I got to go through many places I haven't been to before while on a train which I also have never rode on. The best part was being with all my friends in which I love.
The first day in New York was a walking tour. I got to see a lot of cool and beautiful things. We got to go to the Rockefeller center. We went to a huge church and got to see where many people come to pray and worship each day which was cool considering I am a Christian. We also got to go to the Empire State building that night. We went to the 86th floor. It was such a breath taking view. We also went to see the statue of liberty which was cool because I have watched many history videos about it.
The second day was my favorite day. We rode the subway to go see a broad way play the Lion King. Despite that we got a little lost!!! My group made it and it was such a good show I have always loved The Lion King. After that we broke into groups to explore and shop in Time Square. My group ate at the Patzeria, and we got huge pizzas. Afterwards we went shopping and saw some really cool stores. We even stopped to see a group of dancers. I believe I girled all out when the forever 21 had 4 floors!!!
This trip was probably one of the funnest things I have done in a while and I have done a lot. I was surrounded by my best friends and some really cool teachers. I believe it is safe to say everyone had a blast. Even though I got little sleep and walked my feet off I wouldn't have changed the trip and fun we all had. I took many beautiful pictures and got to have some awesome experiences. My room mates and I had a fun and silly time in our room at night and two sleepy bright lighted mornings. We got lost going the wrong way on the subway and then again but whats being in New York without getting lost? Or twice.. maybe 3 times? We went to the wrong hotel and on the last night my group was cold and tired and Ms. Slawter and us got a little miss placed you could say. But it made the trip fun and a story to be able to tell. This trip didn't feel like oh its a school trip. It felt more like a this is what it would be like to be on 19 kids and counting feels like.
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