Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Roman Empire

Roman Empire
Geography: Rome had a cool and humid climate. The topography is multidisciplinary field of study that draws on archaeology, epigraphy, cartography, and philology. Rome had some natural resources such as clay, hydro-power or water, and timber. They considered slaves as natural resources. The clay could be used for making pottery. The Romans ate foods that they could grow such as vegetables. 

Government: The way that it all started was with twins that were raised by wolves. Romulus and Remus. The three kinds of government were found tied together into one. Monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy were all found united together in Rome. At the heart of this government was the senate, a body of legislators chosen from a group of elite families. Patricians and the plebeians was the two broad classes they were divided into. The small group of aristocratic families and the plebeians, basically everybody else. The senate was sort of a mixture of legislature and giant advisory council. The main job was to set policy for the Councils. By tradition there were at least 300 members, chosen from the upper class of Roman society.
   The twelve tables:
An important victory for the plebeians was to force the creation of a written law code. With a written out law patrician officials often interpreted the laws to suit themselves. In 451 B.C., a group of ten officials begun writing down Rome's laws. The laws were carved on twelve tablets, or tables, and hung in the forum. 

Achievements: The Roman Empire had many new techniques for building and construction of all types including Crete, their roads, Roman arches, and aqueducts. They had free standing sculptures, bronze castings, and vase art. Also had jewelry, and portrait paintings. An achievement was their language, Latin. The Colosseum was one of the greatest feats of Roman Engineering and a model for the ages. The name comes from the Latin word colossus meaning "gigantic." The Romans were very intelligent considering they could build all these big sculptures and have nice advanced houses to live in.
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Social Class: The Romans were hierarchical. In the Roman empire slaves could not vote or women. Only free born males could vote. Women and slaves were expected to stay at home and clean and work. During the republic, everyone was excepted to be christian and follow the christian laws. The plebeians and patricians even after the 12 laws were created, were two of the most powerful groups.
Important people from Roman history:
Julius Caesar: a leader of Rome who fought very hard for the Roman Empire
Augustus: the most important ruler of the Roman Empire
Constantine: originally not a Christian, later converted to Christianity and got baptized
Scipio: came to plan to defeat Hannibal
Hannibal: did not want to join the roman Empire so he committed suicide

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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Classical Greece

Classical Greece

Greece is very mountainous and is almost completely surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Greece has over 1400 islands. They have mild winters and lengthy dry and hot summers. The mountain ranges divided Greece into 9 regions. Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, Epirus, Central Greece and Euboea, the Peloponnesus, the Lonian Islands, the Agean islands and Crete. Greece had a lot of mineral deposits such as marble, clay, nickle, coal, bauxite, ore, and chromate. All of these natural resources were good for building and jewelry. If they had regions then im sure thats kinda like have different towns. They probably stayed in their regions unless they needed something they did not have in theirs.  

A big number of Indo-Europeans migrated from Eurasian steppes to Europe, India, and Southwest Asia. A small amount of these people who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C.  later were known as Mycenaean's. Mycenae is the leading city that it got its name from. It was located on a steep, rocky ridge and surrounded  a protective wall that was 20 feet thick. This city could stand through almost any war or attack. Mycenae, a warrior king rulled by the surronding villages and farms. Mycenaean communities in towns such as Tiryns and Athens were controlled by influential and militaristic rulers. There are many ways to rule a Greek Polis. 

Classical Greece had many achievements. They had many influential effects to western civilization in such areas as philosophy, art, and architecture, and math, and science. They had many influences on the western civilization. 

 Important people/gods:
Zeus was a god he was the god of the sky and the ruler of the Olympian gods. (that made me think of the Olympics lol) Athena was the goddess of wisdom, courage, and inspiration. She was also the goddess of war. Apollo was one of the most important gods. He was the god of many things such as music, poetry, art, medicine, sun light, and knowledge. He is the sun of Zeus. 

Monarchy- State ruled by a king
-Rule is hereditary
-Some rulers claim divine right
-Practiced in Mycenae

Aristocracy- State ruled by nobility
-Rule is hereditary and based on land ownership
-Social status and wealth support rulers' authority
-Practiced in Athens

Oligarchy- State ruled by a small group of citizens
-Rule is based on wealth
- Ruling group controls military
-Practiced in Sparta 

Direct Democracy- Stated by its citizens 
-rule is based on citizenship 
-Majority rules decides votes 
- Practiced in Athens 

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World History Text Book

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Migration and Religion

*write a myth telling about events that might have occurred as the Phoenicians sailed around Africa.*

The Phoenicians set sail around Africa. They decided to take the sea that they felt was the lucky sea. They traveled as they talked and made many ideas up. One of the men started talking about how they wanted to leave their legacy for the future but how? So together they put together what we call the alphabet. It was genius. As they sailed they traded and told about what they had done. They wrote about it on their journey. They became the legends everyone looked up to them. It was the best sail of them all they said as the wind blew in their faces

(Please note that this story is full of non factual information that may not or probably did not occur.)
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